a piece of it all
  • a piece of it all

a piece of it all

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CD Steve's long-awaited collection of original songs, simmering for 30 years. Produced by Ken Whiteley, a sparkling cast of musicians sends these songs out into the world dressed in their best clothes. Includes the "war is sweet", the #1 song on The Music Review's Indie Country Chart survey of 100 Independent Country Radio Stations. This album was

CD Steve's long-awaited collection of original songs, simmering for 30 years. Produced by Ken Whiteley, a sparkling cast of musicians sends these songs out into the world dressed in their best clothes. Includes the "war is sweet", the #1 song on The Music Review's Indie Country Chart survey of 100 Independent Country Radio Stations.  This album was on the first Grammy ballot in 2007 in the Best Contemporary Folk/Americana category.

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